Tuesday, 29 May 2012

www.wbresults.nic.in – WBBSE (West Bengal) 10th Results 2012

WBBSE 10th Class Results 2012 on wbresults.nic.in 

we will provide you all updates for WBBSE Class 10th Result 2012 so keep tracking us. Term students are using to search their WB Board Class 10 Result 2012

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) has conducted its 10th class examination in the month of February and March from 24th Feb to 7th March 2012. Now It is the time of WBBSE 10th Class Results 2012.This result will going to available on 29th May 2012 at 11:00 AM.

Government of secoundry board in west bengal are declare WBBSE(West Bengal Board of secoundry Education) thier 10th calss Exam result 2012 (ssc result 2012 west bengal) on their official website www.wbbse.org. candidate can check out thier 10th class result on there.

West Bengal Board Class 10 exams are conducted by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) every year.Student who are eagerly waiting for West Bengal Board Class 10 Result 2012.West Bengal Board Class 10 Result 2012 is coming on 29 may.Around 2 lakh student appeared for the West Bengal Board 10 class 2012 exams.student can see the WBBSE Class 10th Result 2012 through West Bengal Board of Secondary Education official website www.wbresults.nic.in.

Best of Luck to All of You…………


www.schooleducation.uk.gov.in – Uttarakhand Board 12th Results 2012

schooleducation.uk.gov.in – Uttarakhand Class 12th Board Results 2012 (K Board 12th Results 2012)

Uttarakhand Board of Education was Conducted 12th / Inter Class Examination in March / April 2012. Uttarakhand Board 12th result 2012 is to declare today on 29th May, 2012 at 11AM. The date and time has been confirmed by various sources. But official website is yet to announce the date and time to declare Uttaranchal 12th result 2012.

We also assume that Uttarakhand 12th result 2012 will be declared at 11AM on 29th May. Despite it, we are trying to search some official announcement about the date and time.

Candidates will Able to Check Their Examination Results 2012 of UK Board on Following Website

Uttarakhand Board 12th result 2012 is to be updated by Department of School Education, Government of Uttarakhand, India.Students of the board will be able to check Uttarakhand Board 12th results 2012 from today onwards. There will be SMS and IVRS details also to obtain Uttaranchal 12th results 2012

Uttarakhand Board 12th result 2012 will be declared by www.uaresults.nic.in, official website of Uttaranchal Education and Examination Board. The website publishes all types of results of Uttarakhand /Uttaranchal

Monday, 28 May 2012

upresults.nic.in - UP Board Intermediate (12th Class) Result 2012

UP Board Intermediate (12th Class) Result 2012 : upresults.nic.in \

Uttar Pradesh Education Board just took the Intermediate (also called as 12th Class) examination on March month for few lacks candidates appeared on different districts centers.

The Uttar Pradesh Board (UP Board) results 2012 for class 10th (High School) and 12th (Intermediate) will be declared soon over the internet. The actual date for the results are yet not confirmed but sources say that class 12th results would come out on 5th June whereas information related to declaration date for class 10th result are still not known.

According to the Chairman, UP Board Result 2012 for Intermediate (12th) exam by name wise, roll number wise, school wise will be announced on May ending or June start. You can get Toppers name list with their Highest score marks on same site.

UP Board, this year is enabling students to get their results directly in their mail boxes! Class 10th and 12th students just have to follow a simple procedure for getting the result through e-mail. Students will have to log on to http://www.examresults.net/register/ to register themselves for e-mail services.

Students will have to complete the registration process by just clicking on the link provided to them in that mail.


Students will have to fill up a simple form in which they have to submit their name, roll number etc. on submission of the form, students will get a confirmation mail on the e-mail id provided by them.

CBSE Board Result 2012 Class XII at upresults.nic.in

CBSE Board Result 2012 of Class XII Delhi, Ajmer, Chennai, Panchkula, Uttarakhand, Guwahati Patna Regions: cbseresults.nic.in 

CBSE 12th class results for the year 2012 are expected to declare soon in the last week of May 2012. 12th board results generally get declares during the 3rd and 4th week of may.

Last year CBSE 12th class results were announced before xth, for the 6 regions (Chennai, Ajmer, Panchkula, Delhi, Guwahati, Allahabad) were declared on 23rd may but for the Patna region it took time. This year 2012, the results for 12th class CBSE board are expected to declare in during 3-4th week of May 2012. Get the latest update on CBSE results 2012.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Delhi conducted the 12th Class annual examination for few lacks candidates on March month from various kind of regions and zones.

th CBSE Board Students can get their results though IVRS, SMS, online or visiting to their school premises. CBSE always try to introduce new ways for the students to get their results with an ease.

CBSE Board Results 2012 of Class XII Exam by Name wise, School wise, Roll no wise, Region wise, District wise with highest Marks and Toppers list will be announced soon at official site. Please keep in touch with this page to get updated with us.

SBI Download Admit Card / Hall Ticket Clerk 2012 at sbi.ac.in

SBI Download Admit Card / Hall Ticket Clerk 2012 at sbi.ac.in

State Bank of India (SBI) has published Admit Card for Clerk Recruitment 2012 on sbi.co.in. Clerk Download Admit card for SBI 27th May and 3rd June examination.

Announcement ( 25th May, 2012 ) : State Bank (SBI) has started to send the admit card for Clerk written Exam, If you still have issue or problem in getting your call letter or hall ticket, Please post your comments here.

Who applied for the SBI Clerk 2012 Halltickets / Call Letters Downloading dates are changed. SBI Clerk 2012 Admit Card / Call Letters will be available before 21 days of written examination (27 May 2012). The SBI Clerks Advertisement is in Notification Modification of our Earlier Advt. No. CRPD/CR/2011-12/5A. SBI 2012 Call Letter should be sent candidate communication address by Post.

Who are applied SBI Clerks Recruitment 2011 (27/12/2011), the written examination on 18 Mar 2012; Postponed. The SBI Clerks Recruitment 2012 written examination will be held on 27 May 2012 TO 03 Jun 2012. Candidates are advised to go through the detailed advertisement ensuring eligibility vacancy position before remitting fees details are given following link.

Recently Bank issued the notification for massive recruitment of 3100 clerical vacant post for North Eastern Circle in leading news papers and online resources.  As per the notification written test will be held on 27th May and then on June 1st week.

Who are not received SBI Clerk 2012 Halltickets / Admit Cards / Call Letters, candidate can download SBI Clerk 2012 Admit Cards at official website of Sbi.co.in. Before downloading of SBI Clerks Halltickets candidate must enter your Registration Number, Date of Birth and Password.

If any candidates don’t get their Clerk Admit Card 2012 from SBI Bank can download it from the official web portal  by entering the registration number or application number and date of birth.

To Download SBI Clerk 2012 Admit card Candidates have to visit SBI main website and visit Download Admit Card Link after that enter&nbsp;<b>Rgistration Number ,Password ,Date of Birth then perss Submit button


HP Board Dharamshala 10th Class Result 2012 at HPBOSE.org

HP Board Dharamshala 10th Class Result 2012 : HPBOSE.org is going to publish Bhiwani Results of 10th Class annual March April examination within a week.

The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE) Dharamshala. HP Board 10th Class (Matric) result 2012 will declared soon at the main official website (www.hpresults.nic.in) or (www.hpbose.org) of the HPBOSE.

The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharamshala came into existence in 1969 as per Himachal Pradesh Act No. 14 of 1968 with its head-quarter at Shimla later shifted to Dharamshala in January 1983.

HP Board 10th class examination is conducted every year normally in the month of March / April. This year, 10th class exams 2012 of HP Board was held on 02.03.2012 to 19.03.2012 & 11.04.2012 to 19.04.2012.

Recently, Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (HPBOSE) Bhiwani conducted the Class X (SSC) examination for approx 2 lacks students of various schools. It has been more than a month still we don’t have any official announcement.

After successfully completion of the 10th exam march 2012, all the students (who had appeared the HP Board 10th exam March / April 2012) were waiting the result. 

Now, waiting of all the students are going to over. Candidates will get the result easily by just submit your roll number

Now Controller of Exam will release HP Board Result 2012 for 10th Class (SSC) Exam by name wise, roll number wise, school wise and district wise. You can check your results with admit card once it will be announced.

If you want the Toppers List and Highest marks by subject name then you have to wait for few more days.


EDCET Download Hall Ticekt 2012 at www.edcet.apsche.ac.in

EDCET Download Hall Ticekt 2012 at www.edcet.apsche.ac.in

EDCET 2012 Hall Tickets : Andhra University (AU) has issued the Hall Ticket for EDCET to download by photo and name at main website (www.andhrauniversity.info) or www.edcet.apsche.ac.in not by Osmania University of it.

Education Common Entrance Test ( also called as EDCET 2012 ) is conducted for admission into the B.ed regular degree courses in various Govt and Private colleges of Andhra Pradesh (AP) state.  Usually test held in month of May for all the districts.

Ed.CET 2012 is Education Common Entrance Test for admission into B.Ed course in all Colleges of Education in Andhra Pradesh. This test is being conducted by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education, Hyderabad.

Date of issue of Hall-Tickets:22-05-2012 (Tuesday)
Date of Ed.CET-2012 examination:08-06-2012 (Friday)(11:00 AM to 01:00 PM)

Steps to Download Hall Tickets for EDCET 2012 : Osmania University (OU) has developed the online form to fill to download your admit card. but this time AU will do same. Alternatively you can go for other online portals like Schools9 and Manabadi and type your name or birth date, application number and fathers name to take print of hall ticket.

  1. Students who are applied for EDCET 2012 to Download Hall Ticket / Admit Card 22nd may 2012 will have to get their copy Hall Ticket for the entrance exam.
  2. EDCET Hall Ticket Download 2012 @ www.edcet2012.info 
  3. The last date for EDCET 2012 applying is April 28th 2012. So students may not able to apply after the date.
  4. Students you can download EDCET 2012 Hall ticket, Admit Card from the below official website.
  5. Download EDCET Admit Card, Hall ticket 2012 @apsche.org

The total number of applications processed for Ed.CET-2012 are 1,51,379 (One lakh fifty one thousand three hundred and seventy nine) and their Hall tickets will be dispatched soon. The candidate can download the e-Hall ticket from the Ed.CET website one week before the exam. Further they will be informed through SMS regarding Hall Ticket No., Medium and Centre allotted by the Convener Ed.CET-2012.

All the candidates who will appear for the written test are requested to keep their call letter or hall tickets 2012 with them at the time of exam and EDCET Counselling after the result.
